Dash Reviews…Keanu

Hey, kids! This is Dash Jordan here. Now, perhaps some of you may remember my review of ‘Fifty Shades of Black’ where I stated how hard it was to review a bad comedy. Well, I figure I’d test myself yet again. This time, with a comedy that doesn’t suck…as much.

All of this for a little pussy…I swear I didn’t mean it like that!

‘Keanu’ is a 2016 action-comedy starring and produced by the comedy duo of Keegan-Michael Key & Jordan Peele; better known as Key & Peele. With the success of their sketch comedy show on Comedy Central, it made sense for there to be a movie starring the two comedians at the height of their popularity. The film revolves around two straight-laced cousins posing as gangsters to get their kitten back from a local gang, no matter how life-threatening or ridiculous the costs. ‘Keanu’ opened to pretty lackluster financial results, just barely making its $15 Million budget back with $20 Million. However, the film was surprisingly still a critical success. So, with nothing but a ridiculous script and a cute cat, what made critics and fans like ‘Keanu’?

AWW!!! No, no, no. Give me a second…okay, let’s talk about the plot for a second. In my last article, the Top Ten Robert Rodriguez Films, I’ve mentioned how a majority of the man’s films are practically self-aware and don’t take themselves too seriously. ‘Keanu’ basically takes the same steps needed to make a movie like this work. Sometimes, letting your audience in on the joke can make the results even funnier. Don’t get me wrong, the plot for this movie is still stupid and probably would’ve worked better if it was condensed to a single sketch on ‘Key & Peele’. In fact, I’m surprised that the film received any kind of success at all. As a fan of Key & Peele’s style of comedy, I knew what I would be in for. I was just afraid of how other people may take it. If anyone’s familiar with Key & Peele, you should know what to expect.

Now, for those of you who may not be familiar with ‘Key & Peele’, I’ll explain. Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele are both biracial(part white/part black) comedians who met while both were cast members on MadTV and eventually teamed up again on their own titular sketch show on Comedy Central. Aside from the stabs at racial stereotypes and pop culture references, what I think makes the sketches work on their show and what made this movie work is the chemistry between Keegan and Jordan. Which makes sense seeing has how well they’ve been working off one another for so many years.

Okay, I normally don’t talk about animals in films. But…

Now, I’m more of a dog lover…but come on! That cat is so friggin’ adorable! All seven of them! Yes, they used seven cats for Keanu. This little guy is so cute, it actually makes you understand why some of the people in this movie would go to such ridiculous lengths for this cat. Could you imagine how much different this movie would’ve been if they used Tardar Sauce? No, because that would’ve sucked.

   I can’t stress enough, this movie is SO much more enjoyable if you’re used to Key & Peele’s comedy. You gotta give some respect though for what it is, a stupid comedy. More than just a stupid comedy, an extended ‘Key & Peele’ sketch. If you like that kind of thing, then this movie is definitely for you. Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele at their best, memorable moments, and an adorable kitten. Yes, part of the rating for this movie will be based on a damn cat, now shut up…COME ON! The little guy does his own stunts!

   Okay, okay, that’s enough of the cuteness. Tomorrow…ohh, tomorrow we get spooky up in this witch!

Ladies and Gentlemen, get ready for Dash-O-Ween! Until then, Gotta Dash!

Rating: 7.5/10

Written by Shane Moose

Special thanks to the three big F’s in my life(Friends, Family & Fans) for helping me get this far, pushing me to go even further and for putting up with me when I try going further than that. To hell with my limitations!

Videos & Photos:

(All images of Tardar Sauce are owned by Tabatha Bundesen)

Keanu(owned by Warner Bros. Pictures, New Line Cinema, RatPac-Dune Entertainment, Monkeypaw Productions & Principato-Young Entertainment)

Key & Peele(owned by Comedy Central, Cindylou, Monkeypaw Productions, & Martel & Roberts Productions)

The Nightmare Before Christmas(owned by Touchstone Pictures, Skellington Productions & Buena Vista Pictures)

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